[ODE] stepfast beta 2
Adam D. Moss
aspirin at ntlworld.com
Mon Apr 14 05:00:02 2003
David Whittaker wrote:
> I've just put a new version of the iterative solver at
> http://www.csworkbench.com/stepfast.zip .
I've just taken a quick look. Three problems found so far though:
1) Can't use the headers from C because dxWorld hasn't
been defined for objects.h in the declaration of
2) Lots and lots of timing / statistics-printing is done
even when -DdNODEBUG
3) test_buggy's buggy still falls through the floor pretty
soon. :(
On the plus side, disabled bodies no longer have gravity applied,
and test_crash has started to work for me with this version.
Adam D. Moss . ,,^^ adam@gimp.org http://www.foxbox.org/ co:3
"Half of the harm that is done in this world is due to people who
want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm. But the harm
does not interest them." -- T. S. Eliot