[ODE] Re: Measurement System

lukasz@datafast.net.au lukasz at datafast.net.au
Thu Apr 10 06:54:45 2003

Just to clarify, does this mean that stepsize in the dWorldStep function is
equal to your choice of unit of time? That is, if I choose seconds then
dWorldStep(id, 0.01) will step the world one hundred'th of a second?

> All units are arbitrary, so you can decide if you want to use meters or
> feet or some other unit for that matter.  As long as you're consistant
> throughout your app you should be fine.
>> How big, in seconds, is the stepsize in dWorldStep? Also, since gravity
>> is specified in meters per second^2, then should I assume that all other
>> values are in SI units? (i.e. Torque [N.m], Impulse [N.s], Density
>> [kg.m^-3], Force [N = m.kg.s^-2], Angular Velocity [rad.s^-1], Angular
>> Acceleration [rad.s^-2], etc).