[ODE] 2d system

Adam D. Moss aspirin at ntlworld.com
Fri Apr 4 09:46:02 2003

Nate W wrote:
>>Of course, if everyone who actually wants a 2D dynamics system
>>is using C++ and you're a hardcore C++ devotee then there's no
>>compelling reason to lower yourself to C compatability.  Except
>>that interoperability with raw C apps is pragmatically cool. ;)
> The other nice thing about a straight-C interface is that it is relatively
> (relatively!) straightforward to access from other languages, e.g. Delphi,
> C#, and so on. 

One thing I love about ODE's approach is that it is implemented
in the C++ language without using the standard C++ classes (if that
term is not an oxymoron :D ), so not only is an ODE-using C
application free from C++ at the API level, it is also (and
more importantly IMO) free from link/runtime C++ dependancies
(libstdc++, etc).  Not only is that a footprint deal, but it's a
real binary interoperability win (most especially in the
recent climate of C++ ABI incompatability on Linux/x86 aggrevated
by the gcc 3.1->3.2+ ABI changes).

Adam D. Moss   . ,,^^   adam@gimp.org   http://www.foxbox.org/   co:3
"Half of the harm that is done in this world is due to people who
want to feel important.  They don't mean to do harm.  But the harm
does not interest them." -- T. S. Eliot