[ODE] Strange error solved & another question

Peter Thoman peter.thoman at chello.at
Sun Sep 22 08:41:01 2002

Nate W wrote:

>If you're not recompiling the application when you try different versions
>of the ode.lib, I'd wager that you're running into this kind of problem.  
>If the .exe is built with dDOUBLE and the .lib is built with dSINGLE,
>you'll have functions expecting pointers to single-precision values, but
>getting passed pointers to double-precision values.

Thanks a lot, without your help I'd probably still be banging my head 
against the wall ;).

But now I have another question: I read somewhere that there is a newer 
version of tri-collider that handles polygon edge <-> sphere 
intersection. Any idea where/how/if I could obtain it?
