[ODE] Get the motor torque

Edgard Oscuro facontidavide at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 28 09:35:02 2002

<html><div style='background-color:'><P>Hello,</P>
<P>as we know, we drive motors using velocity and maximum torque or force, and they work in the integration step giving the right torque/force.</P>
<P>I need to know the genereted torque (with a given velocity as usually), but I don't know how to get it.</P>
<P>Someone could help me?</P></div><br clear=all><hr>MSN Extra Storage: piena libertà di esprimersi e comunicare <a href="http://g.msn.com/8HMWIT/2020">Clicca qui</a> </html>