[ODE] beginnersproblem with ode: stack overflow
Nate W
coding at natew.com
Fri Oct 18 02:13:02 2002
With that many joints, you'll need LOTS of stack. Juice has about 8
megabytes of stack, and I suspect that the structure you're building would
overflow Juice's stack.
With VS.Net, the linker option I'm using is /STACK:8000000 but maybe it's
/F with earlier versions? I dunno.
Anyhow, try or 10 megs or so, then double it if your app still crashes
with a stack overflow. Then double it again if need be, and so on until
it stops crashing. Expect a rather slow frame rate, too... it's going to
take a lot of number crunching to make all those joints work.
If you can generate a picture of your biped, I hope you will share it.
It sounds pretty interesting. :-)
On Fri, 18 Oct 2002, mica modenese wrote:
> i am kind of new to this and so my question might be
> rather silly. I've been using ODE for 1 week for a
> biped robot simulation. now my biped consists of 52
> bodies 27 hinge joints, 14 prismatic joints and 28
> balljoints and 4 contactmodels. now it keeps crashing,
> telling something about stack overflow and increasing
> the stacksize (/F in VC++) doesn't seem to work, ODE
> is allready allocating maxsize for the stack ? before
> i fry my brain: am i asking to much ?? do i have to
> reduce bodies and joints ??