[ODE] timestep

John Butterfield johnb003 at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 14 00:17:02 2002

Is there any harm in using variable times for the worldstep?

I'd like to make things based on time not framerate and if I must use a 
constant time interval it seems like I'd have to use mutliple threads which 
would then cause the need for symaphores and it gets ugly from there.  If I 
do a loop each frame for the amount of time that has passed, then I have 
large errors since the time passed could be like 1.5 times the time step.  I 
just thought of an idea of truncating and adding the remainder to the next 
frame.  But then I can imagine it being jerky.  The best solution I can 
think of would be if I could just use variable time steps.

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