[ODE] Old Cholesky factorization code
Jason Gott
wristy_j at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 11 12:06:01 2002
In the code where the Dantzig LCP solver takes over
(after the A matrix and rhs vector have been
determined), I noticed that there is a commented call
to a Cholesky factorizor and solver. In block-matrix
form (where each entry is a matrix of the form
J*InvM*Jt), I realize that the A matrix is
block-symmetric, BUT, I was wondering... Are the
diagonal entries of the block A matrix themselves
actually symmetric (J*InvM*Jt) even after the body has
undergone rotations, making the inverse inertia tensor
non-symmetric? If not, the Cholesky decomp wouldn't
work, correct?
In other words, did the Cholesky decomp ever work
properly for A? Or was it just ditched to incorporate
LCP constrains (contacts with friction)?
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