[ODE] Community page
Mattias Fagerlund
mattias at cambrianlabs.com
Thu Oct 10 04:30:02 2002
> > My next goal is to evolve a snake like object (four bodies connected
> by
> > three hinges) and then something two legged. I'm trying to use Juice
> to
> > design the body - great tool Nate!
> Note that NovodeX provides 2 exporters for MilkShape and MAX (others
> are planned) that you probably could use for ODE as well.
I couldn't find the exporters att novodex (is that novODEx?) ;)
> For example, 4 bodies connected by 3 hinges are a piece of cake to
> build & export from MAX. [I can help here if needed, I wrote
> the exporter].
Well, MAX isn't exactly cheap, though milkshape is (and I actually have a
license). Any pointers to the exporters?
> Note that this KAT tool I still have to play with looks fine as well.
I'd love to play with it also, but I'm guessing I'd have to buy the game
to download it?