[ODE] new ODE collision

Erwin de Vries erwin at vo.com
Sat Nov 23 06:59:01 2002

> > - Should we add support for a user defined, or infinite AABB on demand
> > for spaces? This is really useful for the quadtree space containing
> > huge (10.000 for example) amounts of geoms. If i would remove a single
> > geom it would need to do a lot of work.
> i don't understand this .. ?

I'll explain my situation. In my app i have a lot of initially static
scenery objects. I place these inside a quadtree space. Once upon a while
the main player hits one (or more) of these objects. At this point i remove
them from the quadtree, give them a body, and add them to my 'main space'.
Now, as this quadtree essentially covers the whole game world i dont _need_
it to have a tight AABB since it is very large anyways. The point where i
_require_ it NOT to have a tight AABB is when i change the structure of the
quadtree (remove a geom). Imagine a 10.000 geom quadtree having to recompute
its bounds. Even if it only involves recomputing the final aabb of 9999
cached and 1 new aabb, it still is a costly process that is essentially
useless. Thats why i would like to add an option to spaces to simply return
an infinite AABB instead of computing it.

Hope this explains. I'm migrating to the new ODE collision detection today.
Perhaps some other suggestions will come to my mind.
