[ODE] Tri-Collider ... confused

Mattias Fagerlund mattias at cambrianlabs.com
Thu Nov 7 14:03:02 2002

> > > The tricollider will be integrated into ODE at some point
> > > in the future.
> > 
> > If I recall correctly, the tri-collider requires ODE to be compiled
> in 
> > single precision - will this change for the integration, or will tri-
> > collider not be available when compiling to double precision?
> I am using tri-collider with single-precision ODE right now with good
> results.  I tried compiling both with double-precision and although the
> build worked I couldn't get it work at run time.  

My evolved demos exploded spectacularly when I used single precision. I 
mean, my hopper left for saturn or something. I haven't seen it since. 
In double precision, things work just fine. That could be some bug on my 
part, but nothing I could track down.
> I really don't think it would take much effort to get
> it
> work with doubles, but at the time this happened the CRCRLF bug in
> VS.Net
> was making some of the tri-collider source files impossible for me to
> work with.

I made a small util that loads all files that match a pattern and re-
saves them, fixing all lines with CrLf (i recurses into subdirs as 
well). Let me know if you're interested.
