[ODE] Euler vs. Runge-Kutta and adaptive step sizes

Martin C. Martin martin at metahuman.org
Wed May 1 21:16:02 2002

Russ Smith wrote:
> > One problem I'm having is when things interpenetrate.  One thought I'm
> > having is to stick with a fixed step size, but at the end of a step,
> > if a new constraint is introduced, redo the step with the new
> > constraint.
> it seems like you might have the opposite problem if you do this, i.e.
> that bodies might take a long time to actually touch each other.

Well, if I set the ERP for the contact joint to 1, I think it'll be

In other words, imagine that two objects actually interpenetrate, by 5
units.  If the ERP is 0.2, then the constraint says "their relative
velocity must be such that they actually move 1 unit in 1 timestep, in
the direction that separates them."

If, however, they're 5 units apart, and without a constraint they would
interpenetrate next timestep, then I'm proposing adding a constraint
that says "their relative velocity can't be more than 5 units per
timestep in the direction that brings them closer together."

Does that make sense?  What do people think?

Is this similar to some standard technique?  Have people tried it
