[ODE] Piled objects

Richard Tonge rtonge90 at yahoo.co.uk
Wed May 1 03:14:01 2002


Im sorry to hear that you have had problems in the
past with stable piles of objects in ODE and
Mathengine Karma.
Which version of Karma did you use? The alpha version
of Karma (as reviewed by game developer magazine in
September 2000), did have problems with large stacks,
but this was due to a memory management problem, not
dynamics or collision detection. Since this was fixed,
we have not heared of any problems of this type, but
if you have found a bug, then please tell us! You can
contact our tech support at support@mathengine.com Im
sure that Russ would agree that in terms of stability,
velocity-LCP methods are generally a good choice for
simulating stable stacks and piles of objects.
I apolgise for not reading the source, but does ODE
have an auto-disabler for slow moving objects? Both
Havok and Karma switch off objects at rest, just to
get rid of that last bit of jitter.

Good luck with your simulations :o)

Richard Tonge
PS2 Optimisation Engineer

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