[ODE] Euler vs. Runge-Kutta and adaptive step sizes

Adam Moravanszky amoravanszky at dplanet.ch
Wed May 1 01:58:01 2002

> The Stewart/Trinkle paper with the title "Dynamics, Friction, and
> Complementarity Problems" (which, however, has the title "Rigid body
> dynamics with inelastic collisions" in the page header, so I don't know
> actually what the real title of the paper is) is also velocity-based, as
> in section 3.2. Here the authors mention that the formulation is an NCP,

I have yet to read the first paper you mention, but in the above paper, in
section 3.2, the constraint

n . q - alpha >= 0

is being used, where q is the pose vector, and n is the contact normal.
This is explained on page 6 where

n . q >= alpha

is called the admissible half-space.  I would call that a position based
constraint.  Please tell me why I misunderstand this.
-- Adam Moravanszky