[ODE] ODE Compiling problem under windows

Michael Sebastian Sbrissa Bortolin michael_bortolin at dell.pucrs.br
Thu Feb 21 10:37:01 2002

Hi all, 

To compile ODE under a windows machine is a pain, so I suggest to Russel to include in the documentation some tips, and correct the ode package:

1 - When compiling, the makefile attempts to put file ode.lib and drawstuff.lib in a folder called lib. The fact is that this folder doesn't exist in the package and it is not created.

2 - The VCVARS32.BAT must be execute to set the environment variables, but when executed under a win9x box, not all the variables are set, likely this were caused by a memory limit for storing the env. vars. But, if you copy and paste each line from the .bat and paste in the command prompt, it works.

Michael Bortolin
Development Team
E-Business Research Center - DELL/PUCRS
Phone: +55 (51) 3320-3639 - Ext. 230