[ODE] Joints send bodies to NaN

Daniel Duhprey duhprey at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 19 14:01:01 2002

On Mon, 18 Feb 2002, Erwin de Vries wrote:

-->I've seen this before. Make sure you set a correct mass and correct inertia

I did pare down what I was trying to do into just 2 boxes connected by a joint 
using drawstuff.  It used the same parameters as the other code, but worked.  

Comparing between the two at each update step the rotation, accumulated force 
and torque, and the mass structure look the same between the two versions.  
Just the position has the invalids.

The change to NaN for sure happens right inside the world step. (I double 
checked just to make sure I had initialized everything the same before 
entering the world step)

My gravity is set to -.5  I'm using the default ERP and CFM.  The world 
step is 0.01... the bodies are both boxes of size (1, 1, .5) and density 1 
(mass = .5)  They are located at (-1, 0, 5) and (1, 0, 6). 


Dan D. of TOSOS & Nathan Fabian of the Hill People
email: duhprey@tosos.com www: http://paradox.tosos.com/~duhprey icq: 129354442
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