[ODE] Disabling drawing & rendering into off-screen buffer

Erkin Bahçeci Erkin Bahçeci" <erkinb at ceng.metu.edu.tr
Wed Dec 18 05:52:02 2002

Hi everybody,

We are conducting a research project using ODE on Linux. I must disable the drawing functionality and prevent opening of an X window. The drawing code portion seems to be mixed up with the main execution loop and I had some difficulty in separating them. So, is there an easy way to disable graphic output? Has someone done this before? Or should I try to separate the drawing part as I said?

As a separate task, I need to (again) disable opening of X window and instead draw on an off-screen buffer to be saved as PPM. I saw that PPM generation is already implemented. But how can I create a virtual (off-screen) window to be rendered into using OpenGL? 

Thanks in advance.