[ODE] Re: trilist strategy

Matthias Baas baas at ira.uka.de
Thu Dec 12 06:15:02 2002

At 12:57 12.12.2002 +0000, nlin@nlin.net wrote:
>All of the above is a description of the notion of "inside". The other issue
>is "falling through", more commonly known as "tunneling". If your objects are
>moving too fast for your simulation frequency, such that an object moves 
>past another object in one timestep, then a discrete collision detection 
>cannot detect this.

By the way, at this years Eurographics there was a paper about *continuous* 
collision detection. It's also available online:

S. Redon, A. Kheddar and S. Coquillart
"Fast Continuous Collision Detection between Rigid Bodies"
In proceedings of Eurographics. September 2002


I just thought I'd better mention it, maybe whoever is working on collision 
detection between triangle meshes might be interested in it.

- Matthias -