[ODE] Box - Cylinder collision?

Marco Grubert grubertm at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 29 19:55:02 2002

> Wait, are ODE's cylinders actually capsules ? [...I admit I'm -not- using
> ODE but my own physics code.... www.codercorner.com/Physics.zip for an
> example]

Yep, they are extruded spheres as was mentioned earlier.

> Then it's easy, you just have to grab the segment-box distance code from
> Magic, and here you go. The capsule is then defined as a segment and a
> radius (which gives exactly what the "capsule" actually is : a "LSS", i.e.
> Line Swept Sphere). Penetration distance is simply the difference between
> the radius and computed distance, for example. While not beeing perfect,
> should work.

Okay that doesn't really sound easy but I'll look into it soon.

Thanks everybody for your replies !
- Marco Grubert