[ODE] ODE Demo using Auran Jet

Clay Larabie Clay Larabie" <c-larabie at rogers.com
Tue Aug 27 20:25:02 2002

I wrote this simple demo which integrates ODE and a 3d game engine called
Auran Jet. It displays a little sphere vehicle driving around on a small
strip of TriList terrain, with a few flashy effects.


It is using the TriList collision detection for the terrain, and obviously
sphere for the vehicle. Pressing "S" drops in random spheres, pressing "B"
drops in boxes.

You'll notice the app crashes after a few seconds if you drop in boxes. I'm
not sure what the problem is - it is causing a crash with ntdll.dll which
seems odd. Has anyone else run into this?
You'll also notice the spheres you drop will often pass right through the

The "vehicle" also tends to pass through the terrain at various points in
the trilist.

Some of these problems may have to do with the same issues that were just
report by David McClurg:

"2) - if a tri-list has a sharp edge, or point, such as a mountain peak, a
sphere will fall through sometimes.
3) - if a tri-list has a small gap or hole in it, a large sphere will still
pass through the hole sometimes.  (same as #2?)
4) - on a smoothly curved triangulated area, when a sphere rolls from one
tri-list to another it sometimes stops whereas if the tri-lists are
combined, the sphere will roll smoothly.
5) - on a smoothly curved triangulated area, when a sphere rolls over a
point where several triangles come together, the sphere will sometimes dip
into and penetrate the tri-list"

Also, if we're talking about feature requests, I'd LOVE it if Erwin would
add sweeping tests to check if geometry has passed THROUGH a TriList between
steps. This relates to my previous message about fast moving geometry
passing through a TriList.


Clay Larabie