[ODE] Helping a beginner
Michael Scharvogel
thubba at gmx.net
Tue Aug 13 16:58:02 2002
hi folks...
I just started with ODE and hav a bulk of problems myself (remember the
explosion porblem using hinges still cannot figure out, why my hinge bodies
bounce apart...).
But I am using MSVCC and i hope i can help here (and finally contibute a bit
to the list *G*)
I guess you added the include dir for c++ preprocessor , the resource file
and dir by project ressources and the drawstuff.lib and ode.lib as
additional libraries.
I only know as much about c++ to be dangerouse as well (nice term :-) but to
me it sounds as you did not link the libraries Comctl32.lib kernel32.lib
user32.lib gdi32.lib OpenGL32.lib Glu32.lib as they are needed as well.
hope that helps...
As a matter of fact this is a breif description of all I did to get things
running with msvc++ 6 *G*
cya&bfn, mike