[ODE] Cannot load

Simon Bovet bovet at ifi.unizh.ch
Wed Aug 7 05:00:02 2002

You have to include the resource file resources.rc (found in
ode/drawstuff/src/) in your project!

Hope it will help!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Scharvogel" <thubba@gmx.net>
To: "ODE mailinglist" <ode@q12.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2002 12:52 PM
Subject: [ODE] Cannot load

Hi folks...

I'm rather new to the ODE Library and as a matter of fact I'm not used to
C++ either (More the JAVA guy...)

But I tried to get things running in a MS VC++ environment. After getting
used to the settings in the IDE I succeeded in compiling and linking but not
in running a test application.
When I try to run the appication I come upon a error message dialog box
which says "could not load accelerators"

Can anyone tell me what I forgot to do ?
The program I'm trying to comple is the drawstuff test program.
As I'm quiet new to that MSVC Env The prob yould be quiet simple :-)

Another question:
I there (apart from the manual) a imple tutorial like "Setting up a simple
scene" whicht explains the steps that have to be taken (currently I try to
figure things out by analyzing the example code)..

Thanks for hepling this C++ newbie...

cya&bfn, mike.