[ODE] "Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines"
Ruud van Gaal
ruud at marketgraph.nl
Wed Apr 24 11:36:02 2002
> From: "Michael Sebastian Sbrissa Bortolin"
> <michael_bortolin@dell.pucrs.br>
> I'm calculating the ammount of torque delivered by the motor
> to the wheels:
> float m_fTorqueOnDriveWheels = m_fAccel *
> LookupTorque(m_iRPM)
> * m_fGearRatio[m_iGear]
> * m_fDifferentialRatio
> * m_fFrontWheelRadius;
As T=F*r you need to DIVIDE by radius, not multiply.
I don't know what joint you would use, but it needs inertia probably, and be
careful with adding the inertia values; the gearing effects are SQUARED
instead of just added & multiplied.
Like angAcc=T/I, where I=total inertia (depends on what direction you go;
engine->wheel or vice versa).