[ODE] multiple collision & "shivering"

Mario Riva mriv00 at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 7 16:36:01 MST 2001

Russ. wrote:
>the "shivering" problem is caused by the fact that box-box collisions
>presently only result in a maximum of one contact point per pair.
>when the boxes are stacked on top of each other (face-to-face) this is
>not enough to keep things still.

...certainly the system will look much more stable but I don't think that 
"shivering" will disappear.
I have thought a simpler approach: when an isle is "almost stable" you can 
put its bodies to sleep ( avoiding to compute pos. and orient. every step) 
and, when a body hits a sleeping isle, it wakes up all the bodies of that 
I suspect that Havok does somethink like that: when a system with lots of 
stacked bodies is stable, the time taken by dynamics decreases and it seems 
to be too slow for finding all contact points and solving the Lcp. Moreover 
the collision detection routines return only one point of contact between 
each pair of bodies, not 2 or 3 or... 255!!!
What do you think?

Scarica GRATUITAMENTE MSN Explorer all'indirizzo 

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